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Job Scam Notice (April 2022) 诈骗警报通知

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This is a public service announcement.

Please be informed that we are not offering any part time job vacancies and have not advertised any job postings on Facebook, we have received numerous calls from job seekers who were scammed of their money from a group using our website and name as a front for their hiring ad.
The scam Facebook ads are as follows:-
1)The Resource
We hereby confirm that such part-time vacancy ad is not by us and has no relation to Commerce Pulsar Sdn Bhd. A police report has also been made. We would like to advise job seeker to stay vigilant and take reasonable precautions against such scams.
Kindly share this with your friends and families and be cautious about scams as such in the future.
Thank you.

(2022 年 4 月)
请注意,我们收到了有关 Facebook 正在进行的职位空缺广告的警报,该广告声称 Commerceplus 提供兼职工作以获得额外的收入机会。
诈骗 Facebook 广告如下:-
1) The Resource
我们特此确认,此类兼职空缺广告并非由我们提供,并且与 Commerce Pulsar Sdn Bhd 无关。

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